Many large restaurant franchises offer adventure toys for children, and a bright, hospitable toy is a great attraction when it brings children to eat. However, there may be hidden dangers behind the colorful exterior of the playground, and children may pay a high price if they are not careful in some of these play areas. .
Four years ago, a father took his eight-year-old son and younger sister with him to a fast-food franchise for lunch. The boy immediately went into the climbing frame and climbed onto the horizontal bars of the game structure. However, he suddenly lost his grip, fell off the field and crashed into the pavement. The boy suffered a traumatic brain injury and remained disabled for life. Now, at the age of twelve, he has reached the maturity of a half-child and has serious emotional and psychological problems.
The child’s family claims that the restaurant franchise knew the climbing frame was dangerous due to previous accidents, but they never paid attention to solving the problem. The family also acknowledged that the toys posed significant safety risks, such as a lack of “no climbing nets” and insufficient floor cushions. They said the bars used daily by children as monkey bars were not guarded by restaurant franchises and no warning signs were placed. The child’s parents beat the owner of the restaurant’s franchise, arguing that the company was responsible according to the principles of a “reputable agency”. For a layman, this means that parents must 메이저놀이터 rely on the franchisee and the restaurant brand to ensure that they offer a safe product. The family’s lawyer said that families do not enter fast food restaurants with expertise in toy safety and that they rely on the restaurant franchise to ensure that the product is safe for their children to play with. In the end, an out-of-court settlement of $ 20 million was reached with the family. The multi-million settlement will pay the child huge medical bills, full-time care and ongoing rehabilitation therapies. Surprisingly, four years after this accident, the toys in question remain unchanged.
Fast food franchises claim that they are not responsible for safety because they hire independent companies to build gaming structures. They also emphasize that parents should monitor their children when using toys. However, each chain of restaurants is responsible for self-regulating the safety of their toys. Although the Consumer Product Safety Commission has a list of guidelines and regulations, it states that there are not enough staff to enforce the rules. The point is: don’t expect anyone to see your children. If there is a warning that the restaurant is not responsible for the damage, then adults are in charge. The National Playground Safety Program states that a lack of supervision results in 40 percent of playground injuries. Make sure that the children are on equipment appropriate to their age, make sure that there is a lot of soft surface under and around the structure. Only allow the number of children allowed to play with each other and make sure the device is close to the wall to avoid getting caught. So watch out for your kids and always watch out for your kids at restaurant franchise toys.